Post by gaflack on Mar 6, 2006 12:09:16 GMT -5
Most of the information around is old but I will post what I can find. Things have changed from the old pre-level 70 days. This first one is not great but has the basics of the raid and some good graphics. www.rpgexpert.com/2878.htmlGaflack / Ministan
Post by gaflack on Mar 6, 2006 12:15:47 GMT -5
I am not sure who is leading the raid on the 7th but a review of what it takes to do RZ will be helpful to all. I have done him a few times, some good some bad. If I had to give any advice this would be it.
2. Pay attention and assist.
With todays gear and levels a 30+ raid force should be able to handle it without to much trouble. At least this is a good Enchanter Raid, they usually have lots to do. With todays DPS of most players mob charming probably does not need to be done but they have lots of MEZ work to do.
Gaflack / Ministan
Post by gaflack on Mar 6, 2006 12:17:37 GMT -5
More older but useful information from Allakhazam's
"Luckily, I had a wonderful crew with me. I'll post the strat along with little details if anyone wants to lead this mofo.
Before starting:
-Everyone bind outside, no exceptions.
-Assign a "Second-hand man", one who will take care of your cheal rotation and any other tasks you may need help with.
-RZ will be pulled to the SW corner of the pit and pinned. EVERYONE but the MT will start out in the hallway a few steps NW of that (leading to pig room). The clerics remain there for the fight (in cheal range). Start out by letting the raid know this so that you can pre-set kite teams. Note: a lot of strats say pull RZ to the SE corner. I found SW worked better.
-Form groups as you normally would, but make 2 groups with a druid leader and 5 of the following classes: SK/Ranger/pally/non-MT warriors. These will be known as "kite group 1" and "kite group 2". Have SKs mem HS and pallies mem DA right away, but warn them not to use it until told to do so.
-Have Mages/rangers start dropping arrows everywhere. All melee should have about 100 arrows. Also, make sure each necro/sk has about 10 coffins. Do this before moving.
-Next, assign 4 people in kite group 1 to the NE, SE, NW, and SW corner of the pit. Take them down to the pit and show them what you mean if they have not yet seen the encounter. Tell them these are the positions they move to AFTER RZ is pulled and AFTER they burn their TS/HT. (Need to do this within 30 seconds of fight) Note: Don't use the entire pit to kite! The kite path should be a COUNTER clockwise one, and should go ALL the way to the walls N E and W, but NOT south enough to be in distance of the raid. In order to successfully kite, they need to cast a non-damaging spell on the adds as soon as they pop and start running CCW, making WIDE left hand turns and NOT turning around. As SOON as they see mobs coming at them from the front, pop DA/WS/HS and continue on your path, picking up any adds.
-Assign "stand-by" kiters. This is the 5th person in kite group 1, and then kite group 2 takes over as stand-by kiters. This person waits out from the raid NE a little ways (ideally protecting clerics), and if one of the kiters goes down, he WAITS until he sees mobs charging at the raid and then snares/stuns/AE taunts and starts joining the kite. It works best to intercept mobs coming from the NORTH and then running EAST if possible.
-Lastly, make sure ALL druids and bards know that they MAY be needed to help kite and have a hotkey saying "LAST KITERS GO GO" or something of the sort. If Kite group 2 goes down, these people are your last hope and must go try and get the adds away asap.
1) Start clearing. Assign 3 MTs and tell casters that Hendin Shadow Masters will dispell 1 buff, so use walls and pillars to hide from that. Also, tell the raid that if 2 mobs are pulled, ALWAYS get on the NON-Gindan Flayer mobs first. These usually split at 50% Health. To get to the triggers move up the stairs and LEFT around the top of the pit to the west side. A Hendin Shadow Master should be there. Have your MT charge him and turn him around before the rest of the raid goes in or you may get blown into the pit and die.(levitate is smart if you can handle the lag).
2) Contradictory to a lot of strats, we clear towards Decorin Grunhork FIRST. Once you're up the stairs, you move SOUTH down the hallway and to the SW corner. The raid STAYS HERE and a monk pulls the east hallway until he can get Decorin Grunhork single. Once he can do that, the raid must ALL move NORTH and start clearing. Assign a druid and enchanter to babysit Decorin Grunhork as you drag him behind. Note: you'll get a LOT of people who don't know what North is, tell the raid about 5 times to move north and do NOT stay and watch what happens with Decorin grunhork.
3) Next, clear the north hallway and then this is where it gets important: You must clear the east hallway fast. You clear all the way to the NE corner, and tell the raid NOT TO GET NEAR THE STAIRS. This is imperative so that you do not aggro TZ early.
4) Inform the raid that 3 will be incoming, and have a monk pull Decorin Berik AND the 2 adds in back of him. MEZ BOTH of the triggers (Decorin Berik and Decorin Grunhork) and kill the 2 adds that come.
5) Test your cheal order fast, I suggest 5 clerics in about a 3 second cheal order if your MT is 10K plus. Then, assign 2 clerics to alternate cheals on your second tank for when VZ splits.
6) Kill whatever Decorin is more east, and quickly bring the other Decorin to the NE corner. This Decorin will be tanked by the SECOND tank. As soon as you engage the second Decorin, have your raid move TIGHT to the NE corner (Please god stay off the stairs). The MT and clerics take a few steps WEST of the raid and be ready for VZ. As soon as Decorin 2 dies, VZ spawns west of the raid and should be right on your MT. Note: Push him N to the wall and pin him. He splits in 2 at 50% health, and then splits in 2 at 50% health again. Have your raid ALWAYS assist the MT, and just have the TMer on the split.
7) Next, set up for TZ. Your MT stays in the NE corner, and EVERYONE else moves to the south side of the hallway just 1 or 2 steps WEST of the stairs. Inform the raid that you can NOT have anyone overaggro TZ, and this means low HP aggro. IF anyone drops below 50% health, they MUST get out of melee range and start shooting arrows until healed or TZ dies. Have a monk run up the stairs to aggro TZ, FD when he's out and have your war shoot an arrow to single pull. He'll stop near the stairs and start attacking your MT, so at this point I have pets move UP the stairs and push TZ NORTH to the corner before any melee are allowed to attack. Pin him nicely, and you win. Overaggro and get him AEing the clerics, and you lose.
8) Right after TZ dies, rez up and wait for the hallway to repop, clear the 5 mobs that pop near the raid and set up for RZ. The raid sets up the SAME way as you set up for TZ, and the pull happens the same way. He's partially slowable, and make sure you get druids to PoS before this fight. I recommend a 6+ cleric 2 second cheal rotation if your MT is 10k+. Pin him the same way as TZ. A mass TL must be cast BEFORE the fight to make sure everyone gets the window, but do NOT take the TL unless you're a melee who is about to die, OR RZ poofs. Note: During this fight, about 6 adds spawn to the WEST in the hallway where VZ spawned before. Enchanters need to mez and druids can help Snare to mez. At 50% health, RZ poofs and spam the raid to "TAKE THE TL AND WAIT OUTSIDE". Once outside, have a druid cast Mass FoE or a necro mass DMF and immediately zone in. Even if you are dead, wait outside.
9) Make sure everyone is levitated and start moving up the stairs and LEFT to the SOUTHWEST corner of the top of the pit. At this point, have a single monk go aggro RZ from the NE side and FD immediately. SUMMON CORPSES AS YOU MOVE, but do NOT rez. As soon as the monk aggroes RZ, have people step off the ledge, and float SOUTH immediately to the SW corner. As the raid leader, lock the raid and move necroes to any remaining groups that need a summon and summon the corpses to the SW corner.
10) Empty the pen, anything can be a good pet, but do NOT use Diaku Death Knights or Diaku Oracles, if possible. These are too high MR and oracles dispell I'm told. Move the pets EAST along the wall in the pit, and set up the raid with ONLY the MT in the SW corner, and others in the hallway. Enchanters: keep your pets targetted.
11) Have amonk pull RZ closer, FD, and then have your MT pull RZ the rest of the way with an arrow. Slow/debuff asap. His DPS is not nearly as bad as I had thought, a 2 second cheal with 6+ clerics should work fine on a 10k+ tank. As SOON as RZ is in the corner, sick the enchanter pets on him from the east, and PC pets on him from the NORTH to pin him. Call assist fairly quickly.
12) Ideally, have druids set in a MGB HoT rotation. This will put them above clerics on the adds aggro list in case they have to kite. Also, you can have rogues kill green corpses near the raid at this point, though we did not. Burn offensive at 80% health and burn him fast.
13) As SOON as he dies, Mass TL FAST and take it. Meet again at the top, dead or alive, and mass levitate and invis up fast. Float down and the PP is in the center of the pit and CAN be hailed invis for a flag. AFTER you get flag, if anyone has aggro, help train the adds to the NE corner and zone out or die. HAve the rest meet in the SW corner to do loot.
This is very detailed, I know, but this is by far the hardest pre-EP thing to lead, and if you really read this over, I feel you can win.
Kiters Love 65 druid of Mystic Lords Nameless server"